An interactive tool for teaching American Sign Language.
The jewel is made out of copper, electric wires and 3 3d printed details
that were designed specific to hold 2 sensors –
MPU-6050 and Piezo vibration sensor and one small speaker.
Combined with Arduino Uno board a code written in c++ and a user interface in Rhino,
the jewel is able to recognize different sign language gestures and respond accordingly.
The process of learning the sign gestures has 2 phases-
First the virtual agent on the screen is showing how to sign a word
and then the user has to gesture it himself.
Second, the user can improvise and constructs a new sentence
from the words he learned and the virtual agents respond accordingly.
SilentJewel was created in collaboration with Batsheva Schiff,
as a final project in the course "Human Computer Interaction" in the Hebrew university of Jerusalem.