
Preppers are individuals who actively prepare for emergencies,
including possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales from local to international.
The emphasis is on self-reliance, stockpiling supplies, and gaining survival knowledge and skills.

Apoc is an app that was created in order to aid the preppers achieve their goals based on their fears from different disasters.
Based on their location the app allows the users to find groups or individuals (if they want it) to prepare together.
It also create the group and the individual a list of items they need to gather in order to get ready to their specific fears based on a database.

Once a group is formed its members can locate their group members base locations, see the activity of the group members,
get messages from the leader and send an SOS SMS with their current location to the group members.

Apoc was written in java, in android studio, in collaboration with Guy Bloomenfeld,
as a final project in the course "post pc" in the Hebrew university of Jerusalem.

© Maya Prozan 2020